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Category: Family

ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

On Tuesday, all the families rented jeeps and we all went out to Great Point Lighthouse beach. It is only accessible by four-wheel drive and even then only after having let out most of the air out of tires. The Conroys are lined up and ready to hit the beach! The younger boys were intently fishing and enjoying every bit of it!! While watching the waves, we had more seal visitors. This guy was HUGE! These guys were pretending to…

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ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

The day was beautiful and we enjoyed the morning at Whale’s Watch. I can’t really imagine a more peaceful spot than this yard on this beach. Pictures do not do is justice. You can hear the waves and the birds. It is simply bliss for me. Several of the group decided to go to the beach at Sconset as it’s an easy beach to get to. Even Molly’s mom, Jackie, went to the beach with us! It is a short drive…

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ACK2016 Photo Day

ACK2016 Photo Day

Molly and I drove around all day and took pictures around the island at places where we’ve never gone before. This point is the highest point on Nantucket called “Altar Rock.” It wasn’t too far to get to it, but it was down some very bumpy dirt roads. At one point we stopped someone who was walking by to make sure we were headed in the right direction. There is not really a single “rock” there, but a sort of…

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ACK2016 Monday Evening

ACK2016 Monday Evening

Monday evening we were treated to another delicious meal provided by Susie Ashworth and her family.                                 Susie is known for her cobblers and she did not disappoint!!

ACK2016 Sunday Evening

ACK2016 Sunday Evening

On Sunday evening we gathered to enjoy a meal provided and served by Andrew and Henry Williams, and Caitlin Flanagin. While we waited for dinner to be served, we enjoyed the beautiful evening at Whale’s Watch. Molly’s mother, Jackie Williams, having a very serious conversation with Oliver Lang. Oliver was quite surprised by something – I never did figure out what! Jackie talking to Barry Capps about something going on over in the yard. Molly Lang and Oliver Lang hanging…

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ACK2016 Saturday Evening

ACK2016 Saturday Evening

We enjoyed dinner Saturday night hosted by Molly’s brother, Bill, and his wife, Isabella. Everyone gathered on the lawn and enjoyed some games and family time. They served a delicious lobster appetizer with a lemon aioli that everyone enjoyed. Even the kids had “lobster themed” desserts with custom made lobster sugar cookies. As we enjoyed the incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean, we waited patiently for dinner. Dinner was delicious and well worth the wait!! After dinner, “The Order of…

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Birthdays and Dog Parks

Birthdays and Dog Parks

So for my birthday, one of the presents I got from Molly was a new lens for my camera. It is an Opteka 650-1300 telephoto lens. One of the bonuses to this is it is 100% manual. I’m still most definitely honing my skill. This will help me do that. That being said, today is an absolutely beautiful day and we decided to take the dogs to the Iams Dog Park in Fayetteville and I took my camera to start…

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Revolutions and Ponderings

Revolutions and Ponderings

In reflecting last night about my 54th revolution around the sun, I realized there are a few things I have learned. I have learned you can think simultaneously about a plethora of totally unrelated things when you have insomnia. I have learned you can have a bad day, but you don’t have to turn that into a bad life. I have learned in many instances you can choose to be happy, even though there are unhappy things going on around…

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Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

So we stopped at one place tonight that was supposed to have a few Christmas Lights up. I don’t know exactly how many lights they had, but it was absolutely crazy! They even had a train!!!   There were more penguins than I could even count!!!   Even penguins playing “keep away” with Frosty’s head!! Christmas Trees Santa skiing on the roof. Travel trailers… Santa in the outhouse, of all places… A hippie van… Lounging Santa complete with a penguin…

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Minions!!! Halloween 2015

Minions!!! Halloween 2015

Another Halloween Pumpkin night at Chez Willmere! Introducing, our minions!!! This one is Molly’s. This one is mine. They took much longer to do than either of us thought they would. But, we have no “pumpkin guts” to clean up!!! Happy Halloween, Y’all!! (Be sure to click the link to see all the pictures)

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

After spending Friday evening and all day Saturday being very skittish and aloof, Greta and Kelly have finally got it all figured out. Greta is exactly what the doctor ordered for Kelly! They are both worn completely out tonight. They make my heart smile.