ACK2016 Saturday Evening

ACK2016 Saturday Evening

We enjoyed dinner Saturday night hosted by Molly’s brother, Bill, and his wife, Isabella. Everyone gathered on the lawn and enjoyed some games and family time.

Family playing together

They served a delicious lobster appetizer with a lemon aioli that everyone enjoyed. Even the kids had “lobster themed” desserts with custom made lobster sugar cookies.


As we enjoyed the incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean, we waited patiently for dinner.


Dinner was delicious and well worth the wait!!




After dinner, “The Order of McKee” had their annual presentation. “The Order of McKee” consists of all the grandkids and great grandkids who have the name “McKee” somewhere in their name. The originator of “The Order of McKee” was Molly’s brother, Tom, several years ago. The “Order” has grown significantly since the original two members.


Zeke McKee Williams, Harden McKee Capps, Quinten McKee Lombard, and Henry McKee Bean are the remaining members of this exclusive society. Zeke had “official badges” made for all the members which displayed their home states and looked like very official badges. They were all very impressed.

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