Revolutions and Ponderings

Revolutions and Ponderings

In reflecting last night about my 54th revolution around the sun, I realized there are a few things I have learned.

I have learned you can think simultaneously about a plethora of totally unrelated things when you have insomnia. I have learned you can have a bad day, but you don’t have to turn that into a bad life. I have learned in many instances you can choose to be happy, even though there are unhappy things going on around you. I have learned that our parents are much smarter than we give them credit for in our younger years and that if we realized that then, we would have a lot less pain and heartache as we grow older. I have learned that music soothes the soul. I have learned that families can get along even when they don’t agree on everything. I have learned that dogs are funny, loving, loyal, mischievous creatures; but they bring tremendous joy to our lives. I have learned that prayer is a good thing. I have learned that our families not only consist of those born to the same two parents, but to all of those other souls along the way whom we choose to consider family.

In all of these things, I consider myself very blessed. I have many friends and family who took time out of their busy days to wish me a happy birthday. Each and every single one of them warmed the cockles of my heart and I thank you!! I raise my glass to each of you. You made my day and I love you!!

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