ACK2016 Photo Day

ACK2016 Photo Day

Molly and I drove around all day and took pictures around the island at places where we’ve never gone before. This point is the highest point on Nantucket called “Altar Rock.” It wasn’t too far to get to it, but it was down some very bumpy dirt roads. At one point we stopped someone who was walking by to make sure we were headed in the right direction. There is not really a single “rock” there, but a sort of clearing surrounded by rocks.







Then we drove out to part of the harbor that I’ve never seen. We saw so many ducks swimming!



The water was so clear you could see everything underneath – it was beautiful.


We saw several very pretty wildflowers – a wild daisy, and I’m not sure what the pink on is.




Then we made our way over to Molly’s mother’s house to take some pictures of her beautiful gardens. I have always loved her outside shower with all the buoys hanging on it.


The sun was peeking through the gorgeous trees in her yard.


I loved this tree because it was very curvy – it’s sort of hard to tell from this photograph.


Then we got to the front yard and the beautiful flowers. This rose was gigantic – at least five inches across. Absolutely stunning!


The pink roses were in full bloom.


When I got to the Foxgloves, there was a bumble bee buzzing around and I spent probably way too long trying to get him inside the blooms, but I finally managed to capture him! He is right in the center of the photo all the way inside.


There was a darker Foxglove also that was incredible!


Her home is beautiful.


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