ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

The day was beautiful and we enjoyed the morning at Whale’s Watch. I can’t really imagine a more peaceful spot than this yard on this beach. Pictures do not do is justice. You can hear the waves and the birds. It is simply bliss for me.



Several of the group decided to go to the beach at Sconset as it’s an easy beach to get to. Even Molly’s mom, Jackie, went to the beach with us! It is a short drive from Whale’s Watch. What’s a day at the beach without a sand fight??


Aunt Susie and Sadie Lombard
Quentin and Harrison Lombard loving the cold water

Andrew and Caitlin (below) are engaged and getting married in New Mexico this October.


Jack had pretty good form throwing the nerf football!!


Quentin and Harrison racing to catch the football.


Tommy Marston – loved his hat!!


Not really sure what Harrison was doing here – but it was hysterical!


Quentin had so much fun playing in the water and running around with his cousins!


Tommy displayed his tattoos (temporary ones!) to everyone at the beach.


The older guys were playing catch in the water.


Harrison was intently working on something that required much sand and water.



Sadie enjoying the sunshine, breeze, laughter of all the kiddos, and the sound of the waves.


Tommy sporting his stylish hat.


The obligatory “dead man’s float”.


Caitlin laughing and enjoying the day.


We had a couple of visitors while we were out here as well. We couldn’t believe how close the seals came to the shoreline!!



Harrison gave lifeguarding a shot and he must have done a good job – there were no drownings while he was on duty!


The birds were really pretty too and got much closer than our neighbors would have liked – this one flew right down and stole a brown paper back with their lunch in it!!



Everyone got a little bit of sun, had lots of laughter, and enjoyed very much being around family, sun, waves, and sand!

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