ACK2016 Sunday Evening

ACK2016 Sunday Evening

On Sunday evening we gathered to enjoy a meal provided and served by Andrew and Henry Williams, and Caitlin Flanagin. While we waited for dinner to be served, we enjoyed the beautiful evening at Whale’s Watch.



Molly’s mother, Jackie Williams, having a very serious conversation with Oliver Lang.


Oliver was quite surprised by something – I never did figure out what!


Jackie talking to Barry Capps about something going on over in the yard.


Molly Lang and Oliver Lang hanging out. We got the wonderful news this weekend that Molly is expecting another baby!


Lacrosse seemed to be the game of the week as most of the boys got in on the action while the parents enjoyed a cocktail by the patio.


Oliver was determined to learn to hula hoop with the help of his dad, Charlie Lang.




Amy and Brandon Bean chillaxing.


Jacqueline Capps enjoying her appetizer!


We received our assembly line instructions from one of the chefs, Andrew Williams.


Bill and Isabella enjoying the evening from the deck.


Charlie and Oliver


Rosie and James


The dinner of fish tacos was delicious and was capped off by an incredible sunset.


My new buddy, Henry Bean, decided I needed supervision while taking pictures of the sunset.


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