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Author: camro

I Am Angry

I Am Angry

I am angry. I am hurt. I am amazed. I am pissed. We, as Americans, are faced with yet another mass shooting here in the United States. Yet, we have done absolutely nothing to prevent them from happening. How many more mass shootings do we have to have to force this country to do something about the “more guns is better” mindset? I have many friends who own guns. I have a handful of dear friends who own automatic weapons….

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Shooting Lightning

Shooting Lightning

I really have no idea why this never got posted. I guess I got distracted. Either way, this was a fun evening sitting in our garage in Fayetteville shooting a lightning storm. Sometimes you just have to stand outside and take pictures of lightning!! < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr> < /hr>

ACK2016 Nantucket Sunrise

ACK2016 Nantucket Sunrise

Our last Friday on Nantucket. I set my alarm to hopefully be able to get up and catch the sun at it’s farthest point east on the island. It was set to rise at 5:11am, my alarm went off at 5am. I actually heard it and got up! Lots of pink and yellow showed up on the horizon before the first peek of the sun. It was not as spectacular as I’d hoped, but there is something really beautiful about…

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ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

On Tuesday, all the families rented jeeps and we all went out to Great Point Lighthouse beach. It is only accessible by four-wheel drive and even then only after having let out most of the air out of tires. The Conroys are lined up and ready to hit the beach! The younger boys were intently fishing and enjoying every bit of it!! While watching the waves, we had more seal visitors. This guy was HUGE! These guys were pretending to…

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ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

ACK2016 Sconset Beach Day

The day was beautiful and we enjoyed the morning at Whale’s Watch. I can’t really imagine a more peaceful spot than this yard on this beach. Pictures do not do is justice. You can hear the waves and the birds. It is simply bliss for me. Several of the group decided to go to the beach at Sconset as it’s an easy beach to get to. Even Molly’s mom, Jackie, went to the beach with us! It is a short drive…

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ACK2016 Photo Day

ACK2016 Photo Day

Molly and I drove around all day and took pictures around the island at places where we’ve never gone before. This point is the highest point on Nantucket called “Altar Rock.” It wasn’t too far to get to it, but it was down some very bumpy dirt roads. At one point we stopped someone who was walking by to make sure we were headed in the right direction. There is not really a single “rock” there, but a sort of…

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ACK2016 Milky Way

ACK2016 Milky Way

Ever since I renewed my interest in photography, I have been interested in night photography. Living where we do in Northwest Arkansas, there is too much light pollution nearby for me to even attempt to photograph the Milky Way. On our way back to our house for the night, we looked up and the sky was so clear I was able to see the Milky Way with my naked eye. Of course, being the geek that I am, I immediately…

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ACK2016 Monday Evening

ACK2016 Monday Evening

Monday evening we were treated to another delicious meal provided by Susie Ashworth and her family.                                 Susie is known for her cobblers and she did not disappoint!!

ACK2016 Sunday Evening

ACK2016 Sunday Evening

On Sunday evening we gathered to enjoy a meal provided and served by Andrew and Henry Williams, and Caitlin Flanagin. While we waited for dinner to be served, we enjoyed the beautiful evening at Whale’s Watch. Molly’s mother, Jackie Williams, having a very serious conversation with Oliver Lang. Oliver was quite surprised by something – I never did figure out what! Jackie talking to Barry Capps about something going on over in the yard. Molly Lang and Oliver Lang hanging…

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