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Month: September 2015

Super Blood Moon 2015

Super Blood Moon 2015

I continue to hone my skills as a photographer and am learning a lot as I go. I learned tonight that my remote shutter release does not work well enough at all. I got a few decent pictures of the blood moon, but my tripod was just enough wobbly that many of the photos were slightly blurry. These are my favorites from tonight.                                  …

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Greta is Settling In Just Fine

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

After spending Friday evening and all day Saturday being very skittish and aloof, Greta and Kelly have finally got it all figured out. Greta is exactly what the doctor ordered for Kelly! They are both worn completely out tonight. They make my heart smile.

Newest Member of the Family

Newest Member of the Family

Here is Kelly, our white Miniature Schnauzer, trying desperately to get Jake, silver Miniature Schnauzer, to play with her. After watching her put so much effort into this, we decided she needed someone to play with since Trinket can’t be bothered. So we started looking for a puppy. After looking at several animal shelters and not finding “the one”, we took to as we wanted to find a rescue. Well we did. Please meet Greta, our newest furbaby!  …

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