ACK2016 Milky Way

ACK2016 Milky Way

Ever since I renewed my interest in photography, I have been interested in night photography. Living where we do in Northwest Arkansas, there is too much light pollution nearby for me to even attempt to photograph the Milky Way. On our way back to our house for the night, we looked up and the sky was so clear I was able to see the Milky Way with my naked eye. Of course, being the geek that I am, I immediately ran in and got my camera and tripod and set up for my first attempt at shooting the Milky Way.


There were more stars visible than I think I have ever seen. It was absolutely beautiful.






Mars is the bright star to the right. I was amazed at how clear everything was.


My favorite shot of the night.


Being able to see this and have the opportunity for my first Milky Way shoot made my vacation! It was exciting!

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