

Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada, is a small, quaint village right on Lake Ontario. We drove up there after it was highly recommended by my boss. It was a beautiful little town. Although we only spent a few hours here, we enjoyed it immensely and would not mind going back to visit again!

There were gardens everywhere and were beautiful.












We found a “home-grown” little pub where we enjoyed a delicious lunch.



Then a little more walking around was in order.






There were several horses pullingĀ carriages with folks around town.



Then we meandered around and found the beach of Lake Ontario.


This gazebo was fairly large. It would be a nice spot for a small gathering.




Across the lake on an outcropping we could see Fort George.



As we left town, we could see Niagara River. It was much wider than either of us expected. On the other side of the river was New York.



It was even beautiful as we left the town headed to Nantucket for the week.


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