The Blue Hole

The Blue Hole

In Santa Rosa, New Mexico, we found a spot simply called “The Blue Hole.” We decided to check it out as it was on our way to Albuquerque anyway. From Wikipedia: The Blue Hole of Santa Rosa is a circular, bell-shaped pool east of Santa Rosa, New Mexico that is one of the most popular dive destinations in the US for SCUBA diving and training. The Blue Hole is an artesian well that was once used as a fish hatchery….

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Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2015

Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2015

The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is held every October. Balloonists come from all over the world to participate in this week long event. We attended what is called the “Mass Ascension” where all that year’s participants take off in the span of about three hours. This morning they started with a laser show before the sun came up. Before the sun comes up, they send up a few balloons called the “Dawn Patrol.” They go up before the rest of the…

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The Cross at Groom, Texas

The Cross at Groom, Texas

In Groom, Texas, is a roadside stop that has the largest cross in the western hemisphere. It is a small site, but has a beautiful shop and grounds including the fourteen stations of the cross in almost life size sculptures. It is a beautiful stop. You can see the cross for miles before getting to the exit where it is located. To get an idea of the hugeness of this cross, Molly is sitting on the bench at the bottom…

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Super Blood Moon 2015

Super Blood Moon 2015

I continue to hone my skills as a photographer and am learning a lot as I go. I learned tonight that my remote shutter release does not work well enough at all. I got a few decent pictures of the blood moon, but my tripod was just enough wobbly that many of the photos were slightly blurry. These are my favorites from tonight.                                  …

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Greta is Settling In Just Fine

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

After spending Friday evening and all day Saturday being very skittish and aloof, Greta and Kelly have finally got it all figured out. Greta is exactly what the doctor ordered for Kelly! They are both worn completely out tonight. They make my heart smile.

Newest Member of the Family

Newest Member of the Family

Here is Kelly, our white Miniature Schnauzer, trying desperately to get Jake, silver Miniature Schnauzer, to play with her. After watching her put so much effort into this, we decided she needed someone to play with since Trinket can’t be bothered. So we started looking for a puppy. After looking at several animal shelters and not finding “the one”, we took to as we wanted to find a rescue. Well we did. Please meet Greta, our newest furbaby!  …

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Android Lollipop Issue

Android Lollipop Issue

Apparently there is an issue with the latest Android Lollipop version. It refuses to save application defaults. You can set the default repeatedly, but yet every time you try to use the same type of link, it still prompts you to select the default program. Argh!!

Independence Day – Take Two

Independence Day – Take Two

A perfect ending to a perfect day!! We went to the SONA (Symphony of Northwest Arkansas) concert at the AMP tonight which was followed up by fireworks put on by the City of Rogers. The concert was fabulous!! They played a lot of American favorites and we absolutely had a great time. The conductor, whose name escapes me right now, is very entertaining! He is always so active and funny – we’ve seen them two or three times now and…

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Independence Day 2015 – Take One

Independence Day 2015 – Take One

The Northwest Arkansas Mall puts on a fantastic fireworks show every Independence Day when the weather allows. Last night was no exception. We had a great spot right on the front line – close enough that the debris from the fireworks was actually covering us in ashes!! The weather was exceptionally nice. Temperatures were in the low 80’s with a slight breeze that helped to keep the smoke cleared fairly well. I am still learning my new camera but I…

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A Beautiful Imagination

A Beautiful Imagination

My nephew, Jacob Henry Welter, just may have the most active imagination I have seen recently anywhere. My sister bought a new iPad Air yesterday. They come packed in a couple of layers of Styrofoam that are the same size as the iPad itself. As Donna was unpacking her iPad, Jacob saw the two sheets of Styrofoam laying there and asked if he could have them. He then disappeared for a little while. He came back and had created the…

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As One Journey Ends, Another Begins

As One Journey Ends, Another Begins

It seems like just yesterday that I decided I wanted to have a child. Now Mary Korinna has graduated from High School. It just doesn’t seem possible!!  Kori, you have brought every possible human emotion to my life in the last eighteen years. We have laughed, cried, fought, and made up. You have accomplished so much and I am so incredibly proud of you!! We started the festivities by taking Kori to lunch with two of her good friends, Tamaira,…

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Early Spring in the Gardens at Jane Circle Drive

Early Spring in the Gardens at Jane Circle Drive

It appears that our gardens have survived this previous intense winter none the worse for wear. Almost everything has started blooming or at least have leaves budding out. The Butterfly Bushes have not started, but I think they were the only ones. I was most worried about the Pink Dogwood Tree, but it’s budding out all over. There are no pink blooms yet, they look to be at least a couple of weeks away yet. The Peonies all three have…

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