A Beautiful Imagination

A Beautiful Imagination

Jacob Henry Welter
Jacob Henry Welter

My nephew, Jacob Henry Welter, just may have the most active imagination I have seen recently anywhere. My sister bought a new iPad Air yesterday. They come packed in a couple of layers of Styrofoam that are the same size as the iPad itself. As Donna was unpacking her iPad, Jacob saw the two sheets of Styrofoam laying there and asked if he could have them. He then disappeared for a little while. He came back and had created the world’s very first iFoam!! He had put the layers together along with the clear plastic sheeting that came with the screen protector for the iPad and had created his own iFoam!

Front of iFoam
Front of iFoam

He had drawn on it the camera, the back button, the home, button, and every other button he could find on the real iPad and had duplicated that on his iFoam. Even included the front-facing camera.

The JJ. H. Welter iFoam
The JJ. H. Welter iFoam

He named it the JJ. H. Welter iFoam in honor of his mother’s incredible infatuation with JJ Watt of the Houston Texans. Then he proceeded to “play” on his iFoam for HOURS yesterday evening. He even periodically came and put it next to my laptop “so it could charge.” He wrote apps. He wrote games. He got input from everyone in the house as to what Super Hero they wanted to play in his “game.” The first game he named “Clarence the Butt Cheeks.” I have no clue where he got that name, but in some form or fashion it included Super Heroes. He took pictures of the sunset. He took “selfies.” He amused himself with that for HOURS yesterday.

Jacob Counting His "Apps"
Jacob Counting His “Apps”

When he got up this morning, I told him that it had finally “charged,” and he scurried over to get it and check on his apps. He counted them and said he had 32 hundred thousand apps! When it was time for them to leave, that was the first thing he made sure made it into the truck to go home. He left his beloved basketball here, but the world’s first iFoam made its way back to Porter, Texas, this morning.

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