As One Journey Ends, Another Begins

As One Journey Ends, Another Begins

Ready to Graduate

It seems like just yesterday that I decided I wanted to have a child. Now Mary Korinna has graduated from High School. It just doesn’t seem possible!!  Kori, you have brought every possible human emotion to my life in the last eighteen years. We have laughed, cried, fought, and made up. You have accomplished so much and I am so incredibly proud of you!!

We started the festivities by taking Kori to lunch with two of her good friends, Tamaira, and Keyaira, at Johnny Carino’s. Had a great lunch and loved listening to Kori and her friends laughing and celebrating and having a great time.

Tamaira, Kori, and Keyaira Celebrating With "Drinks"
Tamaira, Kori, and Keyaira Celebrating With “Drinks”
Ready to Graduate


FHS Class of 2014
Let’s do this!!

And the hats come off!!

Two Proud Moms

Kori and her dad, Jim Purdy
Kori and Tim Ratliff
Kori and Tim Ratliff
Kori and Shawna
Kori and Shawna

We had a great evening, there were tears, and we finished off with the adults having dinner while Kori went out and celebrated with her friends.

Congratulations, Korinna!

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