The Fairy Garden

The Fairy Garden

So we decided that we needed a Fairy Garden here at Chez Willmere so last weekend the journey into fantasy began!!

First, we had to have a container in which we could build the Fairy Garden. After looking at several, we decided on a rugged looking metal oblong planter that has a built in stand.


We found the perfect spot on the front porch for it and got it filled with dirt. It sits right in front of the bench on the front porch right under our brand new hummingbird feeder.


Now to start putting in all the goodies!! We got a couple of little gnomes who are about 2 1/2″ inches tall. This little guy is feeding tiny little invisible fantasy birds.


This little cutie is hauling around a basket full of carrots on his back.


We put a bridge over the little stream we have running through the forest.


We have little mushrooms and log decorations as well. At one end, the “stream” ends in a little pond under a moss-covered arch.



The little garden is almost complete. The little gnomes need some place to spend their evenings. A house! That’s what they need!!

We ordered a Fairy Garden Pine Cone house from Wayfair, which arrived today. It adds the perfect touch to our little land of fantasy. We have several little plants and bushes. There are little smooth river stones lining the edges of the “stream”.

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I can’t wait to see how this progresses over time. We even got tiny little pruners to keep the bushes and shrubs in “tiny form”.

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