Spring in the Ozarks

Spring in the Ozarks

I love Spring in the Ozarks!! OurĀ first irises are blooming here at Chez Willmere and are positively spectacular! The Bewilderbeast is one of our favorites and she sureĀ puts on a show!


The purples and yellows are stunning. The curves and curly edges are beautiful and delicate.


There are probably at least a dozen or more blooms on it. Many of them haven’t even opened yet. Mesmerizing!!


The lines and curves are so random and variegated, they are different on every flower. It’s even gorgeous from underneath!


It’s even beautiful looking down into the mouth of the ‘Beast!!!


It’s amazing to see the incredibly beautiful things we find in nature!! Even the lowly dandelion is beautiful from the right angles.


Happy Spring!!!

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