ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

ACK2016 Great Point Lighthouse

On Tuesday, all the families rented jeeps and we all went out to Great Point Lighthouse beach. It is only accessible by four-wheel drive and even then only after having let out most of the air out of tires. The Conroys are lined up and ready to hit the beach!


The younger boys were intently fishing and enjoying every bit of it!!



While watching the waves, we had more seal visitors.


This guy was HUGE!


These guys were pretending to be whales jumping out of the water. It was too funny! They did this several times.



The water was really cold, but it didn’t stop anyone from going out and enjoying it! This is Bill, Molly’s oldest brother, who lives in Maine.








Oliver Lang had on the most adorable hat! He is usually rather grumpy, but he came alive on the beach! He laughed and played and enjoyed himself so very much!!



Riggs Bean, one of the twins, enjoyed his day as well.


I walked out a way towards the Great Point Lighthouse itself. I’d never been out here before either. We could not go all the way to the lighthouse itself because the plovers were nesting. I’d never seen a plover either, but it’s a pretty black and white bird.




We managed to get a picture with all seven of the jeeps lined up on the beach!



Then the consummate challenge – to get everyone into a single photo!!


What a great day at the beach with everyone!

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