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Category: Plants



Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada, is a small, quaint village right on Lake Ontario. We drove up there after it was highly recommended by my boss. It was a beautiful little town. Although we only spent a few hours here, we enjoyed it immensely and would not mind going back to visit again! There were gardens everywhere and were beautiful. We found a “home-grown” little pub where we enjoyed a delicious lunch. Then a little more walking around was in order. There…

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The Fairy Garden

The Fairy Garden

So we decided that we needed a Fairy Garden here at Chez Willmere so last weekend the journey into fantasy began!! First, we had to have a container in which we could build the Fairy Garden. After looking at several, we decided on a rugged looking metal oblong planter that has a built in stand. We found the perfect spot on the front porch for it and got it filled with dirt. It sits right in front of the bench…

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Spring in the Ozarks

Spring in the Ozarks

I love Spring in the Ozarks!! OurĀ first irises are blooming here at Chez Willmere and are positively spectacular! The Bewilderbeast is one of our favorites and she sureĀ puts on a show! The purples and yellows are stunning. The curves and curly edges are beautiful and delicate. There are probably at least a dozen or more blooms on it. Many of them haven’t even opened yet. Mesmerizing!! The lines and curves are so random and variegated, they are different on every…

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