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Category: Domesticity

The Fairy Garden

The Fairy Garden

So we decided that we needed a Fairy Garden here at Chez Willmere so last weekend the journey into fantasy began!! First, we had to have a container in which we could build the Fairy Garden. After looking at several, we decided on a rugged looking metal oblong planter that has a built in stand. We found the perfect spot on the front porch for it and got it filled with dirt. It sits right in front of the bench…

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Spring in the Ozarks

Spring in the Ozarks

I love Spring in the Ozarks!! Our first irises are blooming here at Chez Willmere and are positively spectacular! The Bewilderbeast is one of our favorites and she sure puts on a show! The purples and yellows are stunning. The curves and curly edges are beautiful and delicate. There are probably at least a dozen or more blooms on it. Many of them haven’t even opened yet. Mesmerizing!! The lines and curves are so random and variegated, they are different on every…

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Birthdays and Dog Parks

Birthdays and Dog Parks

So for my birthday, one of the presents I got from Molly was a new lens for my camera. It is an Opteka 650-1300 telephoto lens. One of the bonuses to this is it is 100% manual. I’m still most definitely honing my skill. This will help me do that. That being said, today is an absolutely beautiful day and we decided to take the dogs to the Iams Dog Park in Fayetteville and I took my camera to start…

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Revolutions and Ponderings

Revolutions and Ponderings

In reflecting last night about my 54th revolution around the sun, I realized there are a few things I have learned. I have learned you can think simultaneously about a plethora of totally unrelated things when you have insomnia. I have learned you can have a bad day, but you don’t have to turn that into a bad life. I have learned in many instances you can choose to be happy, even though there are unhappy things going on around…

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Minions!!! Halloween 2015

Minions!!! Halloween 2015

Another Halloween Pumpkin night at Chez Willmere! Introducing, our minions!!! This one is Molly’s. This one is mine. They took much longer to do than either of us thought they would. But, we have no “pumpkin guts” to clean up!!! Happy Halloween, Y’all!! (Be sure to click the link to see all the pictures)

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

Greta is Settling In Just Fine

After spending Friday evening and all day Saturday being very skittish and aloof, Greta and Kelly have finally got it all figured out. Greta is exactly what the doctor ordered for Kelly! They are both worn completely out tonight. They make my heart smile.

Newest Member of the Family

Newest Member of the Family

Here is Kelly, our white Miniature Schnauzer, trying desperately to get Jake, silver Miniature Schnauzer, to play with her. After watching her put so much effort into this, we decided she needed someone to play with since Trinket can’t be bothered. So we started looking for a puppy. After looking at several animal shelters and not finding “the one”, we took to as we wanted to find a rescue. Well we did. Please meet Greta, our newest furbaby!  …

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Early Spring in the Gardens at Jane Circle Drive

Early Spring in the Gardens at Jane Circle Drive

It appears that our gardens have survived this previous intense winter none the worse for wear. Almost everything has started blooming or at least have leaves budding out. The Butterfly Bushes have not started, but I think they were the only ones. I was most worried about the Pink Dogwood Tree, but it’s budding out all over. There are no pink blooms yet, they look to be at least a couple of weeks away yet. The Peonies all three have…

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