ACK2016 Saturday Evening

ACK2016 Saturday Evening

We enjoyed dinner Saturday night hosted by Molly’s brother, Bill, and his wife, Isabella. Everyone gathered on the lawn and enjoyed some games and family time. They served a delicious lobster appetizer with a lemon aioli that everyone enjoyed. Even the kids had “lobster themed” desserts with custom made lobster sugar cookies. As we enjoyed the incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean, we waited patiently for dinner. Dinner was delicious and well worth the wait!! After dinner, “The Order of…

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Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada, is a small, quaint village right on Lake Ontario. We drove up there after it was highly recommended by my boss. It was a beautiful little town. Although we only spent a few hours here, we enjoyed it immensely and would not mind going back to visit again! There were gardens everywhere and were beautiful. We found a “home-grown” little pub where we enjoyed a delicious lunch. Then a little more walking around was in order. There…

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Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Our next stop on this adventure was Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. The first one is the view of the American side of the Falls as seen from the Canadian side. We had our tickets for the boat ride through the Falls. This is before we boarded the boat. These next few were taken during the boat ride – which, by the way, Molly said felt like we were in a washing machine!! I took this one with my…

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Annual Garden Tour 2016

Annual Garden Tour 2016

Molly and I had a great day today. We started out by picking peaches at Taylor’s Orchard Farms in Gentry, Arkansas. Then we went on the Home Gardens Tour in Northwest Arkansas. All the homes were in Fayetteville this year. We saw some amazing gardens and found several new plants we want to add to our little gardens here at Chez Willmere. We are trying to think of a “name” for our gardens. We haven’t agreed on one yet, but…

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The Fairy Garden

The Fairy Garden

So we decided that we needed a Fairy Garden here at Chez Willmere so last weekend the journey into fantasy began!! First, we had to have a container in which we could build the Fairy Garden. After looking at several, we decided on a rugged looking metal oblong planter that has a built in stand. We found the perfect spot on the front porch for it and got it filled with dirt. It sits right in front of the bench…

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Another Date With Mr. Moon

Another Date With Mr. Moon

It is a beautiful night out tonight and the moon was positively gorgeous!! So my camera and I had another date with Mr. Moon. It is just too much fun to see how much detail I can capture from so far away! The lens I used for these is an Opteka 650-1300mm High Definition Telephoto Zoom Lens. It is a heavy lens, but I got a somewhat sturdier tripod on our last trip to Dallas, and had less wind tonight…

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Spring in the Ozarks

Spring in the Ozarks

I love Spring in the Ozarks!! OurĀ first irises are blooming here at Chez Willmere and are positively spectacular! The Bewilderbeast is one of our favorites and she sureĀ puts on a show! The purples and yellows are stunning. The curves and curly edges are beautiful and delicate. There are probably at least a dozen or more blooms on it. Many of them haven’t even opened yet. Mesmerizing!! The lines and curves are so random and variegated, they are different on every…

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Birthdays and Dog Parks

Birthdays and Dog Parks

So for my birthday, one of the presents I got from Molly was a new lens for my camera. It is an Opteka 650-1300 telephoto lens. One of the bonuses to this is it is 100% manual. I’m still most definitely honing my skill. This will help me do that. That being said, today is an absolutely beautiful day and we decided to take the dogs to the Iams Dog Park in Fayetteville and I took my camera to start…

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Revolutions and Ponderings

Revolutions and Ponderings

In reflecting last night about my 54th revolution around the sun, I realized there are a few things I have learned. I have learned you can think simultaneously about a plethora of totally unrelated things when you have insomnia. I have learned you can have a bad day, but you don’t have to turn that into a bad life. I have learned in many instances you can choose to be happy, even though there are unhappy things going on around…

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Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

So we stopped at one place tonight that was supposed to have a few Christmas Lights up. I don’t know exactly how many lights they had, but it was absolutely crazy! They even had a train!!!   There were more penguins than I could even count!!!   Even penguins playing “keep away” with Frosty’s head!! Christmas Trees Santa skiing on the roof. Travel trailers… Santa in the outhouse, of all places… A hippie van… Lounging Santa complete with a penguin…

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Introducing Charlie

Introducing Charlie

It’s high time we introduce you to the newest member of our family. Meet Charlie!! At first, we were really concerned about whether he would fit in or not. We were convinced he was nuts! He wouldn’t let us pet him, he was hissing and snarling at the dogs every time they even LOOKED at him. He has started to settle down now. He hasn’t “made friends” with the dogs yet, but he gets closer to them than he would…

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